Welcome to this week’s Carnival of Satire, where the spectre of Republican-goat love rears it’s ugly horned head. We believe this edition has a very high LMU ranking. (You will have to read the first entry to understand what that means.) Enjoy.
Ahistoricality unearthed another frickin’ gem with The LMU: A New Formula for Measuring Effective Writing.
Grab your clippers and snippers: Dean Swift at A Swiftian Rant sculpts Cynthia Style
Madeleine Begun Kane at Mad Kane’s Notables has an appropriate Ode to the Leaker-In-Chief.
Finally! Someone who is willing to tackle the tough issues of the day. Hobart T. Johnson presents Licorice Haters Protest Black Jelly Beans posted at The Baloney Press Satirical Newspaper.
It’s best just to let Gerard Van der Leun’s letter To Borders from Bloggers speak for itself.
What kind of sick bastard puts Stephen Hawking in a hole? Reverend Gisher, that’s who. O infamy, thy name is Gisher!
Soccer Dad presents Multiple choice Reuters photo + bonus captions.
Jack Cluth at The People’s Republic of Seabrook discusses the what might happen if Tom DeLay performed ungulate sodomy on Fox in Another DUMB@$$ AWARD wiener. You will have to read the post to discover the answer. (If you dare.)
Tommy at Striving For Average has What Donuts?
Bob at either orr serves up An oldie but a goodie.
Android CAI/7 at The MoxArgon Group presents Illegal/Illogical 2.0.
Sayed Rahmatellah Hashemi, The Yale Taliban at Vox Poplar is Right About Everything & Don’t You Forget It! presents Yale is way more fun than any madrassa!
And we’ll end on post that doesn’t feature a goat, but probably should. Thag wasn’t so sure about the satire-factor on this one, but we included it anyway. Jimmie Hicks presents THE PARABLE OF THE DEMOCRAT AND THE PREACHER posted at My Right Mind!. (Thag likes his parables to have animals in them, but he is old-fashioned.)
As always, thanks to everyone for continuing to make this a cranky, high-quality carnival. Submit next week via this handy form, or or here; the COS is listed at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too. The deadline is midnight now. Well, actually, it’s midnight next Wednesday night, but you get our meaning…
Bastard maybe, but keeping him in the hole is preventing his wife from beating him up anymore. I think of it as noble.
Nice job, as always. Thanks for the mention!