Ubiquity Twelve and the Follicle Twins

Brother TwelveUbiquity Twelve was having a bad trip.

His phrenologist had told him not to drop acid, but the consummate rebel wouldn’t listen.

“Mr. Twelve, with your malformed cranium and its occlusions, it is just not safe for you to ingest psychotropic substances and certainly not massive doses of them,” the quack had said. “You could suffer from explosive nasal protuberances, and perhaps even cerebral exo-location!”

But the bastard hadn’t said anything about bad hair.

About the Photographer: Toulouse Le Grandfig was a surrealist painter, photographer and writer who never gave up dadaism. Also, he enjoyed tennis, pancakes and vacationing in the Belgian Congo. Alltop and humor-blogs.com both have tonsure-itis


  1. Online London – 2009/11/08 – From My Bottom Step - November 8, 2009

    […] A sampling of some of the local blog offerings that caught my eye this week. Do you know of a local blog that you think deserves inclusion in this weekly roundup? Let me know! At the flu shot clinic He has immunity! Mustangs named season all-stars November On the bus Running out of room for the dead? The king of Autumn Ubiquity Twelve and the Follicle Twins […]