Archive | Odd Science

The Device

The DeviceWhen Charlie hired on to Doctor Machinica’s Traveling Hospital for Female Hysteria, he had no idea what he was getting himself into. He certainly didn’t know anything about The Device.

The Doctor was a respectable-looking fellow, if a bit short of stature and brawn (except for his unnaturally thick right forearm, which looked like it was twice the size of his left). He dressed in natty tweed suits, even during the hottest months of summer. And his narrow face always had an expression of curiosity on it, even if his eyes were obscured by thick glasses.

Charlie had left the farm, hoping to find excitement in the big city, but so far he’d only found poverty and pollution. So, when he heard the Doctor was hiring a workman for his practice, he was full of hope that it would be a great break for him.

“Basically, your job is to maintain The Device — don’t worry, I’ll show you everything you need to know — and the most important part of that will be to keep the damned thing powered while I’m administering the Cure to our patients,” Doctor Machinica told him on his first day.

The Device was steam-powered, so Charlie’s main concern was to ensure that it didn’t run out of coal while the Doctor did his work. Until their first appointment, he couldn’t quite figure out what the machine did, but it appeared to be some kind of steam-driven wand with a large bulbous end that made a loud buzzing noise and vibrated excessively.

The machine required constant coaling, so Charlie had to be in the room with the Doctor and the patient while the Cure was administered. But … the Cure for what?

On the day he started, their first patient was a charming and well-bred lady from the better part of town; unfortunately, Mrs. MacReady suffered from “female hysteria”. As the machine came up to full power, the Doctor administered what he called a “pelvic massages”, which produced what he later described to Charlie as “hysterical paroxysm”.

Charlie still blushed with the memory of what MacReady had said to Doctor Machinica during her “paroxysms”; he became even more agitated, while riding to their next appointment, when the Doctor told him: “I thank God every day for this machine, Charlie. I used to have to do that manually.”

Charlie didn’t say so, but he thought he might be willing to give it a try — that is, if The Device ever broke down.

Inspired by:
Female hysteria, pelvic massage and the “hysterical paroxysm”: Victorian medical vibrators [wiki]

For paroxysms of a less prurient nature, check outalltop. Originally published in August, 2008.

Municipal Investment Strategies for the Technological Singularity

The Singularity ArtsAn Open Letter to Town Council

Dear Councilors:
Your town may have an emergency plan, a development plan, a health plan — it may even have a plan for how to fix the potholes (though I doubt it).

But does it have a plan for how to respond to the technological singularity? Is it preparing for all the new economic opportunities? I suspect not.

Now, some have complained that that technological singularity is the “rapture for nerds”, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. It is the municipal investment opportunity of the ages! Forward-thinking municipal governments can start preparing now, and be ready to reap the rewards of the point in human history when human intelligence is not only exceeded by machine intelligence, but when human intelligence is merged with (or eradicated by) machine intelligence.

You’re thinking: “well, sure I’d love to help get ready for this, but realistically, how do we plan? We don’t even know if regular flesh-and-blood humans will be around to experience the singularity.”

Of course we will!

Ray Kurzweil believes that we’ll be able to model the human brain by 2029, and create algorithms based on those models to allow computers to gain human-like intelligence. But is anyone working on a way for computers to go to bars and get drunk and hook up with other drunken computers so that they can “make a mistake” and then squirt out new computers? I doubt it.

So there you go: invest in light manufacturing. There will definitely be a need for humans to help create our new overlords.

But there’s so many other possibilities! What if the technological singularity is based more on nanotechnology than it is on the gross, large-scale electronics of our current era? Here too, prescient town councils can make good investments for the future. It will certainly be easier for the new machine overlords to replicate themselves in mass quantities if our human immune systems do not fight them at every stage. This leads to so many possible avenues of fruitful research: immune-suppressing drugs, radiation, surgery, bio-engineering, even psychology might (finally) prove itself useful by producing a technique by which humans could allow supra-intelligent nanomachines to use their bodies to reproduce.

We’re only scratching the surface here, obviously.

Many municipalities invest much of their resources in policing and this is an area where they will find huge savings, but only if there is a good interface between humans and our new machine overlords. Apart from the aforementioned research opportunities, municipal governments should begin looking at some kind of cybertronic peace officer corps now, to acclimatize citizens early — after all, an easily controlled citizenry is a productive citizenry! This could be as simple as implanting some kind of control chip in police headgear (hats, caps, flak helmets) to something more radical, such as embedding a semi-live police officers in a mechanical exoskeleton armed with rapid-fire pistols and a loudspeaker-augmented voice.

Municipal leaders should prepare for the darker predictions of how a technological singularity plays out. What if the new machine overlords simply wish to rid themselves of the human population?

There is a simple solution for this problem, and it is summed up in two words: rotating knives.

We’re pretty sure that would never happen, but even if it does, what if you’re the first town to think of it, and sell the process?

Think of the revenue. You could cut taxes. Contact us for more details.

Yours Truly,

Genghis Toon,
Oberdyne Industries, “The Helping Corporation”

Alltop has an investment strategy for funny. Originally appeared on Grasping for the Wind, Aug. 9, 2010.

The importance of backups

aliens about to destroy earth

Having had a hard drive flame out on me once (and losing the electronic text of a novel in the process), I am cognizant of the importance of backing up my data. Still, I probably don’t have enough redundancies to deal with this situation.

Don’t worry, the novel wasn’t very good, and I have a paper copy somewhere. (Though orbital bombing would probably erase that too.)

Alltop welcomes our new alien overlords.

Professor Quippy: Finally, an excuse we can all get behind

Professor QuippyWho knew that giving up mastery of your domain could provide significant release — uh, relief — of restless leg syndrome (RLS). This wankingly good news was recently discovered by Luis Marin and colleagues at the Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil.

RLS is no joke. It’s a disturbing need to move your legs, caused by — as yet — unidentified neurological problems. A dopamine imbalance is one of the features of this syndrome, and drugs that increase dopamine levels can help. But the researchers in Brazil have found that sufferers get complete release — sorry, relief — after masturbating.

Unfortunately, it might not be the kind of relief you can get on your morning commute.

The extra good news? Sex has the same effect!

Alltop doesn’t like the whole “master of the domain” euphemism. More details about this study at The New Scientist.

Why are you feeling sad for the computer?

cartoon explaining why you shouldn't have your brain downloaded
That’s assuming it’s even possible to download our “brains” — i.e., consciousnesses. Given the state of modern software, I sure wouldn’t want to trust my existence to the process. What if the download goes wrong? What if the server goes offline while I’m in the middle of the download?

What if I’m using WINDOWS?

It’s just to scary to contemplate.

Alltop is a giant humor consciousness.