Tag Archives | gingivitis

Professor Quippy: This Gingivitis Is Harshing My Mellow

Professor QuippyIt doesn’t matter if you call it old china, fish stick, or jamumba, that tasty pot is going to make your dentist unhappy.

According to a new study led by Murray Thomson at the Dunedin School of Dentistry in New Zealand (where, believe me, they are serious about their skunk weed), smoking cannabis leads to gum disease.

Even worse, a quarter of those 18-32 years old who smoke it regularly have established gum disease that makes them look:

  1. clueless
  2. creepy
  3. bummed, Dude!

Oh the (wasted) youth!

In contrast, only 4 percent of those over 32 who had never smoked pot had gum disease. Of course, they’re uptight wankers, but they’ve got good gums.

More of the bummer (and gory) details may be found in this story. Warning: these Dudes may bogart your humor spliff.