Tag Archives | human rights abuses

Beijing Olympic Mascot Demonstration Sports

Administrative Detention TriathlonReaders who’ve only discovered The Skwib in the past couple of years may have missed the series we’ve done on the Beijing Olympic Mascots, and a number of demonstration sports planned for Beijing this summer.

As we can see from the news, the Chinese government has really started training hard for the second sport:

Administrative Detention Triathlon

Tibetan Dissident Biathlon

Tibetan Dissident Biathalon

50-Meter Land Requisition Event

50-Meter Land Requisition Event

Organ Relay

Organ Relay

Hu Flung Falongong

Who Flung Falongong

Forced Sterilization Footy

Forced Sterilization Footy

Press Clubbing

Press Clubbing

Amnesty International has more (less satirical) information on human rights in China and the Beijing Olympics. This group of humor athletes is training hard for the new demonstration sport: “causing beverage to shoot through the nose”.

50-Metre Land Requisition Event

50-Metre Land Requisition Event -- Beijing Olympic MascotsIn addition to Tibetan Dissident Biathlon, the 2008 Beijing Olympics will have another exciting new demonstration sport in Shooting: the 50-Metre Land Requisition Event.

Normally, the 50-metre Pistol competition is a solo sport, and does not include a running target (such as skeet or trap). But the 50-Metre Land Requisition Event combines all the excitement of team sports, shooting, and moving human targets. Many funs!

On one side, the “sanctioned” team, which is usually backed by local communist authorities or enterprises, and consists of three crack pistol marksmen. On the other side, the hapless Chinese inhabitants of urban areas that the party would like to sell to developers. This is not a team, so much as a disorganized mob of men, women and children attempting to avoid a hail of well-placed bullets while protesting their forcible eviction. The Beijing Olympic committee has set this event in Shanghai, where there is quite a bit of land not being put to the “best” (profitable) use.

So far, Zimbabwe, Angola, and Burma have said they’ll be sending teams. China is the hands-down favorite, having had so much practice forcibly evicting people to create venues for the Beijing Games.

More demonstration sports with the Beijing Olympic Mascots:
Tibetan Dissident Biathlon | Organ Relay | Hu Flung Falongong | Forced Sterilization Footy | Press Clubbing | 50-Meter Land Requisition Event

‘Inspired’ by:
Amnesty International 2006 China Report, and their Countdown to the Olympics