The Carnival of Satire is a celebration of the satirical form, which is quite obviously alive and well in the world of blogging. Submit your the best piece of satire that is not yours each month to The Skwib. (A squib is a piece of short satirical writing, so that’s where the name comes from, in case you’re wondering.) We only accept satire for this carnival. Parody counts, but plain-jane sarcasm and irony do not.
Remember, we’ll only accept submissions of satire that is not something you’ve written. Find the best satire written by someone else and pay it forward! (You’ll still get credit for finding it, and if you want to mention something you’d like to promote, you can add that too.)
- Article URL (permalink)
- Trackback
- Your Name (or pen name)
- Article title
- Your email
- Blog Name
- Blog URL
Or you can use the handy form at Blog Carnival.
The deadline for submissions is: Wednesday, 4 pm.
Email to: author(at)
Is the Carnival of Satire some kind of postmodern commentary about the fact that there are already too many carnivals?
Sure, why not.
How, exactly, do you define satire?
Please have a quick read of Mark’s essay, Satire’s Ugly Sisters, to get a better idea of what we think satire is all about.