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Ask General Kang: Do Intergalactic Warlords Have Hobbies?

Ask General KangSure, we’re just like regular folk, except we have the resources of an entire galaxy or two at our command, so they tend to be a little more outré.

Its Intergalactic Royal Thing, Bill McReady, is the overlord of the Delle Caustiche and SagDEG galaxies (actually the latter is more of a dwarf elliptical galaxy than a real galaxy like mine — uh, I mean ours). He is a train enthusiast, but instead of using toy trains, he simply snatches actual locomotives from a variety of planets that use the same gauge track. (It’s surprising how many civilizations have opted for your standard gauge.) Unfortunately for said civilizations, and the unlucky passengers of these snatched trains, it took Its Intergalactic Royal Thing, Bill McReady, about 60 years to realize that he needed to add some kind of dining service on his hobby train network, or the passengers tended to resort to Donner Party-like behaviors.

Don’t worry, at the last Intergalactic Overlord Conference, I didn’t mention Earth.

Lady Shiva Deathbunny, the overlord of the Calabash and Rotten Egg Nebulas is an aficionado of butterflies, and has an extensive collection. I believe she likes them best deep-fried.

Personally, I collect buttons.

Next time: There’s a woman at work that I really like, but I think she might be put off by the alien proboscis growing out of my neck. How do I get her to go out with me?

Alltop and need to get a hobby.

One Comment

  1. Its good to know Intergalactic warlords are normal people to

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