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Daisy, Daisy, Call on the Cthulu

daisy Stagbys riding four-seater bike with three Cthulu

At first, everyone was really excited when Daisy Stagbys joined the Brighton Cycling Society. She was young, hot, and had a four-seater.

And then, when she suggested that she had some “friends” who would love to be involved, they were thrilled. (Membership had been in decline for years.)

But something about the new members made everyone a tad uncomfortable. Especially Jeremy Cthulu. (Pictured riding above the rear wheel, just before he devoured the soul of Mira Tendercones in a cloud of black aching dread.)


The Fridgularity Buy my latest novel, which features a fridge that causes the black aching dread of not having an Internet connection. Available in all formats in all the usual places online:

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Alltop is filled with black aching funny. Photo via Twisted Vintage. Originally published April, 2010.