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A dystopia in which we can all believe

betty white power poster
Icelandic artist, filmmaker, and musician Omar Hauksson presents a futuristic vision for us to revel in:

We here at Nakatomi only tolerate one kind of White Power- BETTY WHITE POWER! Betty White rules the atomic wasteland with an iron fist, making sure we’re all nice to our domestic pets. If you kick a dog, she will cut you man. Cut you quick.

You can get the print here.

Alltop takes iron fist supplement with every breakfast.


  1. TJ TJ

    Is it art?

    Yes. Definitely. πŸ™‚ It says all that needs to be said about our current politic/sociologic/even economic situation. What it is saying exactly is up to interpretation. Maybe a desire for a fascist nanny (or should I say Grandma) state. At least there will be cookies and sweaters with love in every stitch. πŸ™‚

  2. And don’t forget how she sits in on all those celebrity roasts. She’ll cut you with wit in addition to her nuclear-powered switchblade.

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