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An unwavering band of light

Breakfast of Champions, by Kurt VonnegutOne of my favourite quotes from Breakfast of Champions:

His situation, insofar as he was a machine, was complex, tragic and laughable. But the sacred part of him, his awareness, remained an unwavering band of light.

And this book is being written by a meat machine in cooperation with a machine made of metal and plastic. The plastic, incidentally, is a close relative of the Gunk in Sugar Creek. And at the core of the writing meat machine is something sacred, which is an unwavering band of light.

At the core of each person who reads this book is a band of unwavering light.

My doorbell has just rung in my New York apartment. And I know what I will find when I open my front door: an unwavering band of light.

Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions

Alltop is an unwavering band of funny.