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Carnival of Satire (#115)

Carnival of Satire (#115)Well, I have to be honest: the altruistic thing didn’t work out too well. Of all the submissions to this edition of the Carnival of Satire, only two followed the new guidelines. Perhaps they are just too complicated, and I need to rephrase them: submit the best satire of the month written by someone who is not you, and give me the link to that. That said, I’ve plunged ahead and found some worthy posts for you to peruse, but we’ll start with the submissions:

Mad Kane found this truly hilarious “literal” video of “Total Eclipse of the Heart” (please don’t click away yet). I know, I know, this genre is done to death, but this one is actually quite a funny parody. If you want to skip the slower part of the song at the start, and jump right into the really odd stuff, fast forward to 52 or 53 seconds in. Then the Emo Kids, Swim Team, and spinning Ninjas make their entrance. You’ll have to wait a bit for the zombies. Try here if the embed thingy doesn’t work:


So thanks to Mad, and while we’re thanking her for that, you should check out her latest satirical limerick: Don’t Ask. Don’t Tell. Just Sign!

While you were watching Bonnie act her totally eclipsed heart out, you might have been worried about the gymnasts. You were right to, because sometimes they shoot horses. A fine piece of video satire, this one from The Onion. [Found here if the embed thingy chokes.] Thanks to GrrlScientist for the find:


Despite its lexicographic issues (bonus points if you can explain them in the comments), I found this article on Scunt quite amusing and edifying: Twitter is Dangerous. RETWEET! RETWEET!

In related (future) news, British Schools Told to Scrap Spelling Lessons.

But back to Twitter for a moment. You may find this cartoon from PC Weenies amusing [ht to Scott’s Tip of the Day for this]:


I continue to find Fengtastic a disturbing source of joy. I offer you a link to a recent photo, Casual Friday, not because I am ashamed that I enjoyed this photo, but because it is EXTREMELY UNSAFE FOR WORK!!! (Take me seriously on this. No irony or sarcasm involved at all. There is NUDITY! It is also BAT-related.)

Speaking of nudity, it seems as though Sex is now pandemic, though not in England, Switzerland, and parts of Ontario.

With the new Transformers movie about to open, Cracked ran a partial-nudity laced Photoshop contest, in which contestants were asked to imagine if everyday life was directed by Michael Bay. Here is the winning entry:


And that’s it for the 115th edition. Thanks to these fine folks for helping us with webby-stuff: the Blog Carnival for their form. You may find some satire here if you poke around a bit. Here too.