There is some great stuff in this week’s Carnival of Satire. So without ado here it is:
This terrifying post by Internal Medicine Doctor at Doctor made Thag wonder how anyone emerges from a hospital alive — not that his primitive mind could really grasp the concept of “hospital”. Dr. Tundra says this ain’t half of it. Please enjoy Medical Consulting.
Sticking with medicine, Kim at Emergiblog presents a parody of the Grand SF Parody itself in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Emergency Department
Buckley F. Williams at The Nose On Your Face discovers Aslan is the “Most Eligible Bachelor.
Madeleine Begun Kane at Mad Kane’s Notables goes all Liverpudlian on us and presents Say Goodbye To Tom DeLay — Song Parody — Sing to “Yesterday”.
Joan Conde at Mamacita takes us on a wild ride in SupremeQuest: Directions for Samuel A. Alito
Sticking with Alito for the moment, Tommy at Striving For Average presents Ted’s Glasses.
More Alito? Damned right. Sean Gleeson at Sean Gleeson gives us some more eye candy in his Alito Hearings Comics!.
Seun Osewa at Naijarita News brings us this fake news: TV Evangelist Exposes Plot To Block TV Miracles.
From fake news to fake quotes, Gab, aka lecentre at Centrerion presents Quip of the Day and another.
Mr. Right at The Right Place presents ANOTHER RIGHT PLACE EXCLUSIVE: College Journalism Exam with Answer Key!
David Gerstman at Soccer Dad presents Hamas goes too far.
Peace Moonbeam at the Peace Moonbeam Chronicles has an adventure with her keyboard in The End of the World
And to take us out on a sweet note, The Assimilated Negro at The Assimilated Negro blows the lid off the fact that Birds and Bees Are Tired of Romantic Linking.
Thanks to everyone for participating! Remember you can submit here with this handy form; the COS is listed at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.
Nice job, as always. Thanks for including me!
Thank you for hosting, nice job as usual.
Check ‘Em…
Absolutely, bloody crazy! In-freakin-sane. Funny as in funny ha-ha. If you can’t find a laugh here, then you’re just not trying. Great compilation of nutters. You’re so vain you probably think this carnival is about you.