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Carnival of Satire #4

The Carnival of Satire #4Welcome to our fourth go at the Carnival of Satire, here at The Skwib. As usual, we have some lively humor and cutting commentary about a variety of issues.

Okay, you know it’s the fall, because we start seeing Christmas stuff. The Assimilated Negro (TAN-man) at The Assimilated Negro breaks the news that the Saint Nicks are on the outs in Mrs. Claus Demands More QT

Buckley F. Williams at The Nose On Your Face makes us laff with Doogie Howitzer, IED. Whenever we see Neil Patrick Harris it’s impossible to take him seriously as an actor. We always end up remembering his role in Starship Troopers, as the psychic intelligence officer. Particularly the ending, when he mind probes a giant, bloated “brain” bug and announces: “It’s afraid! It’s afraid!” This too made us laff, particularly General Kang, who knows a little something about space nazis and “probing”.

Um, moving on…

Two Dogs at Mean Ol’ Meany presents Romance – The Two Dogs Way Ongoing Saga Part VIII. At first glance, this might not appear to be satire, but that’s just because we needed the full context. Go check out the earlier editions, starting with this one.

Okay, Damian G. at Conservathink has sent along DNC Chairman Dean accuses Bush of hiding salami; gets donkeypunched. Strictly speaking, this post is not satire, but the cutline on the photo is, so we’ve included it.

Bob at either orr presents An advertisement for the Liberal Party of Canada.

a4g at Point Five discovers IAEA Embarrassment As Nobel Committee Develops Warhead.

And we have a second post from the TAN-man at The Assimilated Negro, in which we get some really gentle satire: Apples and Oranges Set The Record Straight : We’re Not That Different.

Fitch at Radioactive Liberty presents ACLU Sues for Conjugal Visits

Mr. Right at The Right Place presents U.S. Declares War on Smurfs, Hundreds Dead in “Shock and Awe” Style Carpet-Bombing Campaign. You do have to wonder what UNICEF is thinking with this campaign. Here at The Skwib we have offered our own satire of this, instead focusing on the advertising business, in Smurf-cutters.

See you next week, or on the ubercarnival, when we will announce the first winner of a copy of The Amadeus Net, Mark’s first satirical novel. Keep that satire coming!


  1. Blog Carnival index: Carnival of Satire #4

    CARNIVAL OF SATIRE is now up at the skwib!

  2. This Week’s Carnivals, Symphonies, and Bonfires

    I just noticed that The Carnival of Satire is up at The Skwib. Damn, I suck.

  3. Come See The Freaks…

    … at our weekly Carnival round-up. Thanks to the following sites for including us in their Carnivals this past week: Carnival of the Clueless # 17 at Right Wing Nuthouse Carnival of the Insanities at Dr. Sanity Carnival of the

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