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Do monkeys mind if you cheat at blackjack

Cute video explaining that, yes, even monkeys have a sense of fair play. I love the look on the monkey’s face at the first instance of cheating: gobsmacked!


You can find it here if the embedded video busts.

I believe this video is trying to demonstrate the results of the research reported at the New Scientists here: envious monkeys can spot a fair deal:

Monkeys invest less energy in a task if they see other monkeys receiving better rewards for the same effort, researchers report. They say that their experiment provides new evidence that non-human primates can feel envy. The findings could also help explain why humans have such a keen sense of fairness, according to experts.

Though, I’d say from the evidence, humans have a pretty high tolerance to unfairness!


  1. most excellent. will send to my poker addict pals.

  2. I’ll stick to cheating quadrapeds then… plus goats can’t throw their poo.

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