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Even MORE Carnivals

Wow, there is a lot going on. Okay, I somehow missed the Storytelling Carnival yesterday, hosted at tales by sheya. This is an example of how to be a gracious host, despite her creationist leanings, she still published a link to Dr. Tundra in the Dock (and two other stories). I enjoyed “A Pirate Looks At 28”, which posits, what if we outsourced IT to pirates? I notice that there are more flash fiction and short-short stories being sent to this carnival, which makes it easier to dip in and read online.

And The Skwib participated in its first-ever Carnivalesque (IX), hosted at alun. This edition is all about ancient and medieval history, with a Halloween theme thrown in. There is lots of interest if you love history! A bonus feature is a crossword puzzle based on the entries provided. Very creative.