From the Book of Jerry
And on this day, The Blessed Sisters of Righteousness will curse the local constabulary, and upon them they shall heap scorn. They shall beshrew them with language most colorful, saying they are “spawn of cross-eyed turd farmers” and “tedious conversationalists with halitosis and feet that smell of onion.” Truly, they shall cackle.
And their Most Reverent Mother shall expectorate. Ye, verily, She will Hock a Loogie of the Lord.
So it will be, and on this day, the constabulary shall issue a Written Warning, and they shall be Unrepentant and the Day of Judgment shall be soon after.
Well, there should be 48.
I took General Kang’s advice, and let 1,000,000 monkeys do my taxes.
My 1099.#lww;puea4w is riddled with errors!
Shit! All that happened yesterday!
The Book of Jerry is nothing but a trite medieval rehash of the Book of Smells A Bit Like Old Ladies; I’m genuinely surprised and dismayed that you would lend it any credibility by quoting from it here.
Yes, but the poetry…