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Help the Greens and Get a Book!

Green PartyWe interrupt our usual Skwibbish inanity for this political message:

The Green Party has the potential to win a seat in the Ontario Election, and they need a bit of help to get over the top. You can read about Shane Jolley and his race to win a seat in Bruce-Grey Owen Sound here. I’m not sure about where you live, but Ontario desperately needs some new ideas to get voiced in the legislature. Canada too.

So, if you donate to Shane’s campaign, the Green Party or even if you can get up to Owen Sound and help with canvassing, I’ll send you a copy of THE AMADEUS NET.

Just send me an email to with your address, and let me know what you did to help! You don’t have to be in Ontario or even in Canada.

You can donate to Shane’s campaign here, or you can give to the Green Party’s overall war chest here. If you donate $10.02 then the party will know it was for Shane’s campaign.

The Green Party platform is here.