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Helping the constabulary with their inquiries

Danger, danger Will RobinsonAt first he fought he was nicked, didn’he?

He fought, “‘allo, what’s ol’ bill comin’ round me jam jar for?”

Then he learned, didn’he? Ol’ Bill knew all about that Docta’ Smif fellow, right? ‘Ow ‘e were always ‘angin’ around that little bugga’ Will and ‘is feckin’ constant questions. “Wot’s that robot? Are we lost robot? Can you open this can of spam robot?” Feckin’ constant they were.

So, is just seemed natural to frame up that boy-hungry Docta’, weren’t it? In short, the plan were werkin’. He just had to rememba’ to vaporize all the bodies and then he’d be well clear of the Eartha Kitt.

Lose yourself in the space of a longer work …

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Photo via Strange Ink. Language is a cyber-simulacrum of Cockney rhyming slang. Originally published September, 2009.


  1. Haha awesome. Had to look up Eartha Kitt, but I’m kinda proud of myself for understanding the rest of it. Now excuse me, it’s taters in ‘ere so I’m gonna ‘ave myself an Everton.

  2. Just don’t drink it too ‘peasy or you’ll be in Fraser Crane.

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