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I read my blogroll (#5)

Okay first of all you need to go over and read Worst Bat Mitzva Ever at The Poutine Diaries. (But come back for more good stuff.) Elison reminds us that the Friends were genuine morons.

For those of you who are missing TunaFish News, I recommend you check out Archer’s new endeavor, Lawyerworldland. Well written, funny, depressing.

Grumpy Old Bookman has discovered a case in which we think the Irony Police may have an interest.

HP Lovecraft Meets the Family Circus, courtesy of Mr. Snitch!

The Rev. has a wonderful extended metaphor on blogging. (Related note: got an instalanche yesterday. Cool.)

And if you’re looking for something to do, Suzi at Special Fried Rice is hosting the Bonfire of the Vanities this coming week. She wants your drek. Wants it bad.