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Irony police arrest elderly couple

Van crashes into front of safe driving school.HAMILTON, ON (The Skwib) — Though badly shaken by the accident itself, George and Eustasia Miopia were even more shocked when they were arrested by the irony police.

After a severe beating with wet noodles, the irony cops charged them with several misdemeanors (including a citation for having a silly last name) and one felony.

They will appear in court next Tuesday to defend themselves against the serious charge of dangerously ironic driving, having crashed their van into the front window of the Say Dez! School of Safe Driving.


  1. […] The skwib’s Mark A. Rayner is all over the story of an elderly couple’s ultimate run-in with irony. Yes, that really is a car that crashed into a driving school. And no, I don’t think they’re getting a discount on the driver improvement course. They will appear in court next Tuesday to defend themselves against the serious charge of dangerously ironic driving, having crashed their van into the front window of the Say Dez! School of Safe Driving. […]

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