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Last chance to get Pirate Therapy free on Kindle: today and tomorrow

Pirate Therapy and Other Cures

This is the last time I’ll be giving Pirate Therapy and Other Cures away for free, so download it while you can. If you don’t have a Kindle, there’s lots of Kindle apps available for other devices. Here’s some of the nice cover blurbs I’ve got for the book:

“Mark A. Rayner is just a terrific storyteller and one of the most imaginative and original writers you will ever have the pleasure of reading. Do yourself a favor, grab this book and settle down for a journey into places you’ve never been to before and characters you will be delighted to meet. Pirate Therapy is one of the most enjoyable collections I’ve ever read, and an absolute joy from cover to cover.”
– Ian Ferguson, Author of Village of the Small Houses

“I know some very funny people. I’ve also met lots of writers. But I’ve only come across a few writers who are truly funny, and Mark Rayner is one of them.”
– Terry Fallis, Author of Best Laid Plans

“Virtuosically combining the techniques of speculative fiction and political commentary with wide learning in the Romish faith, Dadaism and the Gruntwerx Paradigm, Mark A. Rayner gives us a rich array of concise vignettes, clothed in such neglected genres as the postcard, the email message and the agony column cri de coeur. Never has pop culture been so hilariously satirized, nor history so perversely revised.”
– Tom Bradley, Author of Lemur and Bomb Baby

Alltop was really sick until it went through some rigorous Pirate Therapy.