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Links for librarian superheroes

Batgirl was a librarianWho had any idea there were so many librarian superheroes? Apart from Barbara Gordon, aka, Batgirl, I didn’t realize there was such a large number of informavore vigilantes careering through our halls of higher learning.

This is just a smattering, of course. For more, you could try Google, or as Jessamyn West suggests in this presentation, Tips for Aspiring Librarian Superheroes, you could actually go to a library and ask them directly. (They are legion.)

Real life:
Seeressa, who champions the graphic novel in libraries. Also, have a look at the Librarian Avengers. Worth visiting for the cartoon alone.

Cartoony heroes: Rex Libris and Linux Lass

Film: Rachel Weisz in the Mummy movies was a librarian. And then there’s The Librarian: Quest for the Spear: I don’t know, looks kinda dorky. Not good PR.