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Male Mac users overconfident

reeling in chicks - satire of iphoneA new poll shows that men feel they know more about security than women, yet both sexes are equally vulnerable to malware and other online terrors.

According to Crazy Apple Rumors:

Most people will not find this surprising. Also not surprisingly, Crazy Apple Rumors Site has learned that the researchers also found that Mac-using men are even more overconfident, both about online security and other things.

“I’d be concerned about online security,” said Your Mac Life host Shawn King, “but I already know that I’m totally impervious to malware. Because I’m using a Mac. I mean, duh.

“I also have a very large penis,” King added. “Really quite tremendous.”

Survey here. Ful Crazy Apple Rumors story here. Hat tip to Mr. Snitch for blowing this story out of proportion, so to speak. And you may find some overconfident souls here. Photo credit: J Kyle


  1. That Shawn King is such a liar!

    Don’t ask me how I know, but he is totally exaggerating that last statement. :p

  2. Yes, if you check out the comments on the Nutty Mac site, you’ll see that this is common ailment: Male Mac-users’ Member Exaggeration Syndrome (MMEMes).

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