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Marvellous Hairy on the Canada Also Reads longlist!

The Shredding SamuraiMarvellous Hairy made it onto the (very, very) longlist for Canada Also Reads, the shadow reading competition being run by the Afterword, at the National Post.

Yes, it is a literary rumble.

Now, who has the oratory prowess and bookish Kung Fu to volunteer to defend the little fella? We need a literary superhero like the Shredding Samurai! (But you know, without the freakishly long arms, blue hair and samurai sword. All shredding of the opponents should be metaphorical.)

You can find details about the contest here, and if you’d like to be a panelist, send them an email telling them how brilliant you are, and why you want to defend Marvellous Hairy. (I wouldn’t mention your blue hair or razor-sharp weapons.) Email addy: theafterword@nationalpost.com.