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More Christmas goofiness

I do hope this cogent observation only applies to women:

The four stages of life

Now, this next item doesn’t have the awesomeness of a monkey riding a goat, but it’s darned Christmassy, not to mention goofy: “A man dressed as Santa Claus holds a flare as he wakeboards on a small lake in Hamburg, Germany on December 5, 2010. (REUTERS/Christian Charisius)”

Santa wakeboarding with flare

Both of the above items are via the entertaining afternoonsnoozebutton. So have I given up blogging? Am I just ripping off afternoonsnoozebutton? Nay! I am also ripping off Retrograsm:

The origins of eggnog

I’m also willing to link to other writers. If you haven’t already checked out my fellow ENC author’s short Christmas tale, A Claus to Remember, you can find it here. [pdf]

And lest you think I don’t create any of my own content, perhaps you didn’t see the flash fiction below, about a certain Magi and his need to explain “why the myrrh?” Well, there you go. Merry Frickin’ Christmas already!

Alltop ONLY pulls content from other people, and nobody calls them on that! Note: much of this kind of crap can be found at my low-rent Tumblr blog, Monkey Joys.