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More plaudits for The Fatness

Winner - Indie Reader Discover Award

NEW YORK, NY – On June 3rd, New York Times bestselling author CJ Lyons announced The Fatness won in the humor category of the annual IndieReader Discovery Awards (IRDAs). The announcement was made at BookExpo America (BEA), a major publishing trade show.

This is the second literary award the satirical novel has garnered!The Fatness won a silver International Book Publishing Association (IBPA) Benjamin Franklin award for humor in April this year.

“The books that won the IRDAs this year are not just great indie books; they are great books, period. We hope that our efforts via the IRDAs ensure that they receive attention from the people who matter most. Potential readers,” said Amy Edelman, founder of IndieReader.

independent book publishing association silver benjamin franklin award

Judges for the awards included notable publishers, agents, publicists and bloggers. The Fatness received the following verdict from IndieReader’s reviewers: “The Fatness is a story of socialism gone wrong, set amid a plausible backdrop with witty characters who will steal your heart and snag your cheeseburger, if you’re not careful.”

Once again, I’d like to thank the professionals who helped me put the book together. The incredible talents of my editor, Cal Chayce, the fabulous cover design of Taryn Dufault and the exact proofing of Pauline Nolet all contributed to the book’s success. And don’t forget all my beta readers, friends and family who also helped me shape The Fatness into something approaching good shape. You can read about them in the acknowledgements of the novel.

And of course, you should get yourself a copy! Available wherever you buy books online, including: