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Practical Metafiction — How Would You Write Yourself

Would you be a pirate?Just a few more days until the draw for the Go Tuck (erize) Yourself! contest.

Now, if you’ve entered, or think you will, this is an excellent time to start thinking about how you would like to appear in my next book. Actually, to say next book is to narrow it down too much. I’m currently at work on two books; both are satires (naturally). One is a speculative fiction, the broad theme of which is artificial intelligence, and the other is a historical fiction — or rather, a gentle send-up of the kinds of historical fictions that win Booker and Giller Prizes on a regular basis.

You can put yourself in either book. Almost anything goes. You can appear as yourself — with your name attached, or as a pseudonym. Or your cameo can be somewhat fictionalized. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to be a pirate. Or maybe a ninja. (I hope not, but there’s no accounting for tastes.) Maybe you’d like to be a character with an extra appendage. Almost anything goes, as long as we can work it into the story in a way that doesn’t completely destroy the structural integrity of the novel.

So, what do you imagine you’d like to do with this opportunity? Feel free to share here.

Still want to enter? Join my fan page or my newsletter (sign up for both to double your chances). You have until midnight, October 31st!

Go Tuck(erze) Yourself!The prizes for the draw again are:

  1. a chance to appear in a walk-on role in my next book
  2. a chance to win one of ten copies of Marvellous Hairy, a novel in five fractals
  3. a “mystery” item from my desk.

Thanks for the excellent pirate pic by practicalowl.


  1. Dang, Mark! I’ve missed my chance to appear in either of yer tomes. I see that you are doing NaNoWriMo this year, though. I am, too! Vive the wordathon! 🙂

  2. admin admin

    I’m doing what now?

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