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Professor Quippy: Jittery joggers jinx skin cancer

Professor QuippyWoo-hoo, finally some good news for all of us caffeine-addicted, incredibly pink, high-noon joggers out there.

Two of our predilections actually help prevent skin cancer!

According to a team of researchers at Rutgers University, lab mice who drank caffeine drinks and voluntarily exercised had an increased destruction of precancerous cells that had been damaged by the sun’s ultraviolet-B radiation.

So, I guess I can stop feeling guilty about the two insanely strong black coffees I have after my morning jog. It is actually good for me!

You can’t tell from the black and white photo, but I’m even more excited about this than many would be because my hair (or what remains of a once great society of follicles) is ginger (or red, to you North Americans).

Go caffeine joggers!

(But you should still use sunscreen, according to this report: Exercise, caffeine, fight cancer).

One Comment

  1. […] West Virginia University Contact the Webmaster Link to Article rutgers university Professor Quippy: Jittery joggers jinx skin cancer » Posted at the skwib on Tuesday, July 31, 2007 [ Professor Quippy]Woo-hoo, finally some good news for all of us caffeine-addicted, incredibly pink, high-noon joggers out there. Two of our predilections actually help prevent skin cancer! According to a team of researchers at Rutgers University, lab mice who drank caffeine drinks and voluntarily exercised had an increased View Original Article » […]

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