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The Carnival of Satire (#23)

The Carnival of SatireOkay, we’re back. Not sure what happened to our database, but it restored everything but yesterday’s Carnival, so here it is again. We were a little light on submissions this week at The Carnival of Satire, so we’ve “fleshed” it out with a few pieces of satire that we found. We’ll start with a found piece, and then alternate with a submitted item.

General Kang was really freaked out when he read this story about a Paris Hilton-like celebrity who gets a conscience transplant. He felt better when we said it was science fiction, and satire. We hope you enjoy The Jiminy Device by Lisa Mantchev at Futurismic

Dean Swift at A Swiftian Rant takes the piss out of marketing surveys in this inspired piece called Going National.

Long War Incorporated, by Mark Fiore is almost too on the nose to be considered satire, still we enjoyed it and it was brand new as of Wednesday. (Hat tip to Uncomfortably Numb.)

Madeleine Begun Kane at Mad Kane’s Notables goes for the family jewels in Bye-Bye Balls

All you gentlemen meat-marketers, pay attention. This list from Jenna at Girlspoke explains how those women are subtly saying no.

Pluto’s Dad at Eyes On The Ball News presents CBS: Scientists Create New Number for Bush’s Low Approval Rating

And part of the reason for that, the ports thing, is illustrated ably by the folks at Point Five, who did not submit this brilliant spoof, but which we include anyway: Dubai Ports World — They’re Just Like Us.

Tommy at Striving For Average presents The News Special Effects

This photo about the perils of outsourcing is making the rounds. Heh. ( Hat tip to Silly Humans.)

And taking us home is Peace Moonbeam, at The Peace Moonbeam Chronicles, who presents Leftist Love.

Once again, our apologies for our disappearance shortly after publishing the COS, and thanks to everyone for their submissions. Remember you can submit here with this handy form; the COS is listed at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.

One Comment

  1. Good satire – thanks! I can’t stop laughing. Needed a good laugh! The Fiore cartoon was especially good, and yes, as you so keenly observe, it is ‘almost too on the nose’.


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