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The Carnival of Satire (#32)

The Carnival of Satire #32 (with pic of bald eagle)Of course the big news in satire this week was Stephen Colbert’s performance at the White House Correspondents’ dinner (click here for details if you somehow missed it), but there was other satire out there and you will find some of it right here, at The Carnival of Satire. We hope you enjoy:

Thag found this, and asked if it was satire or not. We thought it was, if only barely. Still it explains a lot: English Prof turns marking into drinking game.

Frank the Financially Savvy Atheist (The F.S.A.) has classic, in-your-face satire with The Sanctity of Marriage.

Jon Swift lives up to his moniker with A Government Agency By Any Other Name. Bravo!

We’ve already had this once on the Carnival of Satire, but it’s funny enough to repeat, particularly if you live in Canada and pay taxes. Big Cajun Man presents Taxes: Revenue Canada Wants You!.

Peace Moonbeam is back with a painful economics lesson of the used-car variety in Free Gas.

Ahistoricality has found this charming tale of cross-dressing and power politics: George W. And Pat Robertson Die in Lovers’ Quarrel!!!.

To paraphrase Krusty the Clown, “If you’re not Jeff Foxworthy, then you’re stealing my bit.” Don’t Floss With Tinsel has “You Might Be An Atheist Whackjob If…”

The Nose On Your Face presents McClellan Comes Under Fire From Press, Defends Bush’s Involvement With “Big Potato Chip Industry”

Tommy at Striving For Average states the obvious about the President: What a Disaster

Amanuensis presents Darcy’s May Day vacation.

Alas, Dr. Tundra’s high school French was not up to Le Centre’s submission: Saint Jean Charest’s Educational Reforms. Perhaps a translation is forthcoming?

The MoxArgon Group takes on the tough issues of Iran, Iraq and Hollywood with their usual Kang-esque aplomb: Intergalactic Roundtable #5.

Vox Poplar Is Right About Everything & Don’t You Forget It! presents Monkey Business Indeed!

FIAR at Radioactive Liberty presents Is a War for Oil a War for You?

Conservathink presents Doing the blogging Americans won’t do.

Finally, we leave you with a truly useful webpage which will help with Girlspeak to English translation.

As always, thanks to everyone for continuing to make this festival of irony possible. Submit next week via this handy form, or or here; the COS is listed at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too. The deadline is midnight.


  1. Thank you Mark for another great Carnival!

  2. Thanks for the include, Mark! This looks like a great edition.

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