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The Carnival of Satire (#36)

The Carnival of Satire, with pic of Bruce SpringsteenIf this carnie’s a rockin’, don’t come a knockin’! Welcome to the 36th edition of The Carnival of Satire.

The Band

Cue the electric guitars. Sober up the drummer! Jon Swift has 50 More Conservative Rock Songs to add to The National Review’s .

George at Facetation has found some lost liner notes written by Hunter S. Thompson. (General Kang is pretty sure this is not made up, but the liner notes sure read like great satire.)

Apparently, a cat was Falsely Accused of Passing Gas, a story vented over at at Catnabbit!. Dr. Tundra thought the pic was hilarious.

Chris Quimby, CPC – Certified Public Comedian shares his latest Job Interview, including thoughts about dairy products, superheroes and white-water rafting. (See, you have to read it now, don’t you?)

Miriam at miriam’s ideas explains how six librarians split the cheque. This isn’t really satire, but Thag insisted we share it.

The Groupies

Jack Cluth at The People’s Republic of Seabrook has discovered a sign that the Apocalypse is upon us.

Jeremiah Beck has some useful pointers for Arguing Online .

Tommy at Striving For Average presents The Fighter.

Peace Moonbeam presents Movie Mayhem posted at The Peace Moonbeam Chronicles.

Morg presents Don’t Condemn Earthquake!. It should be noted that Morg is also a card-carrying member of the League of Shadows.

Vox Poplar Is Right About Everything & Don’t You Forget It! presents Give Surrender A Chance.

Passionate America presents Moonbats in Space, Episode 2.

Conservathink presents Iiiiit’s the Culture of Corruption Spec-TAC-ular!!!!!

And this week we end on a rancorous note (or is that a rancid note) with The MoxArgon Group and their InterGalactic Roundtable #6.

As always, thanks to everyone for their submissions. However, it’s time to remind you all this is supposed to be about satire. Screeds masquerading as satire don’t count; some will escape our myopic attention, but we do try to keep this thing honest. If you’re struggling with what satire is, exactly, why not read Mark’s essay on the subject. And please, please, please, we beg you — just send us you best single post! Here comes the boiler plate:

Submit next week via this handy form, or or here; the COS is listed at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.


  1. […] The Carnival, check it out. He concludes the thing with However, it’s time to remind you all this is supposed to be about satire. Screeds masquerading as satire don’t count; some will escape our myopic attention, but we do try to keep this thing honest. If you’re struggling with what satire is, exactly, why not read Mark’s essay on the subject. […]

  2. The Carnival of Satire #36 @ The Skwib

    When the band and the groupies get together, well you know what goes on. Mark over at The Skwib warns you…

  3. I’m not so sure I’m smart enough to tell satire and her sisters apart. Other than I do like the parody. That I know.

  4. Carnival of Satire

    The Skwib has the latest Carnival of Satire, featuring Bruce Springsteen. I was too tuckered out to submit anything this week, after hosting the Carnival of the Vanities. Fortunately, our friends at Catnabbit dished up some furry stuff. Next w ……

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