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The Carnival of Satire (#50)

The Carnival of Satire -- image of explosion and N. Korean 'leader'Well, it sure looks like we jumped the gun putting Monsieur Foley on the banner last week. Yep, this week’s Carnival of Satire is dominated by satire about Foley, from both sides, which we present. That said, wethinks one side dost protest too much. And then there was the weekend “explosion.”

But to start on a really fluffy note, every few years Weird Al returns to give us more subtle parody. (Yes, sarcasm.) And we like the way this video of “You’re Pitiful” works on so many levels; we especially like the way it makes fun of us for being drooling worshipers in the cult of celebrity. Thanks to the folks at Sorry I Got Drunk for putting this together. You can jump straight to the video here.

Ahistoricality returns to the carnival this week, and finds some more dark satire. This time, we have an answer for the racially loaded question: should I use blackface on my blog? (posted at EbogJonson). Warning: this post contains 95 percent spreadsheet!

We have a new satirist on the roster this week, from a blog called Here in Idaho. Kristi Harrison suggests that Americans aren’t the only ones with messed-up, crazy leaders.

La Cage Aux Foley

Stiknstein has a collection of pics that will bust your gut in Welcome to the Congressional Page Tip Line

Mad Kane’s Political Madness has Foley-related doggerel with Dirty Denny.

Conservathink has an exchange of ideas (that have nothing to do with beavers) in I did not have sexual relations with that man, Mr. Foley.

Continuing with La Cage Aux Foley, Peace Moonbeam goes for the obvious pun with GOP (Gay Old Party?).

Bile, Snark, and Sneer has news that the Foley email scandal expands.

Other Satire

Brian Tarcy has more football predictions at

Elizabeth has furry parody with Tickle me cato.

While we’re on the topic of furry things, Madeleine Begun Kane has a little Ode To Genetically Altered Cats. And that takes us out on a fluffy note too. Isn’t it nice when things just kind of come together? Okay, not some things, even Denny would have to agree to that.

With any luck, we’ll all still be here next week for another edition of the COS. Thanks for all who pitched for #50. Submit via this handy form; the COS is listed at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.


  1. […] That means I’m dripping with satire.  Or cuteness, one or the other…I forget.  So go over to the first carnival I’ve ever contributed to over here.  All kinds of smartness and what-not going on over there. […]

  2. i love gay people

  3. Hmm, Crystal. That is a big leap for me.

    I’m too much of a cynic to automatically love someone, just because of their sexual orientation — that swings both ways.

    Welcome Kristi to the ranks of satire. (And yes, you could interpret “ranks” as smelly, you punster.)

    🙂 m.

  4. well it could be because i love all people, seeing as i’m an avatar of sorts. but I especially love gay people, what with all the glitter.

  5. “And then there was the weekend “explosion.””

    What, does everybody know about what brussel sprouts do to my colon?

  6. […] Oh, I almost forgot — the latest  Carnival of the Liberals has been posted at World Wide Webers and it’s another good one.  And be sure to read Don Davis’s very amusing The Great ‘Illiterary’ Contest: ‘Name’ The Bush Memoir and Carnival of Satire and to check out The Crisis In Our Nation’s Pants andTechnorati Tags: Congresswoman Katherine Harris, Stealing Elections, Progressive Radio, Liberal Radio Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

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