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The Carnival of Satire (#52)

Carnival of SatireWelcome to The Carnival of Satire, where the ticker has turned over to 52; so yes, this is the anniversary, though we’ve actually been doing this for more than a year. It prompts an enigmatic smile. We had a few brave souls present some satire that wasn’t their own, and we’d like to start with them.

Madeleine Begun Kane jumped right into the spirit of finding other people’s satire, even though she does a fine job of producing it every week. She brings us: SEINFELD GOES TO BAGHDAD, TO VISIT THE WAR ABOUT NOTHING.

Ahistoricality is a master at unearthing satire, and this week proves no exception, with: Habeas Corpse.

And Madeleine Begun Kane went above and beyond the call, by also finding Limbaugh Denies Going Off Meds to Criticize Fox.

Other submissions

Michelle presents 10 Types of Bosses You Need to Avoid. We enjoyed this though the list seemed to be missing the Dr. Jekyll and Hyde boss.

Bill Losapio presents How a Tolkien Geek Writes a Party Invitation. We hates Bill and Kristy, don’t we Precious? The nasty hosts stole our recipe for spinach dip.

Peace Moonbeam presents DPRK: A Worker’s Paradise.

Jennifer Miner has sarcasm: Spend Money this Halloween: Don’t settle for cheap costumes and candy; have an upscale Halloween!

And to take you out on a note of satire (er, sarcastic parody, ironic iconography … oh, we just don’t know anymore) here is a quick hit from Jesus’ General: RIP “Stay the Course”.

Thanks to all for those who submitted other people’s satire. You have secured your place in heaven, or in General Kang’s homo sapiens brigade, whichever sounds better. Thanks to these fine folks for helping us with webby-stuff: the Blog Carnival for their form; and the listings at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.


  1. […] Update: For some Limbaugh laughs, check out Don Davis’s Limbaugh ‘Stays The Coarse’: Claims FDR Faked Polio, and Limbaughtomy from All Hat No Cattle. And for your futher reading (and viewing) pleasure: *** Norm at OneGoodMovehas Letterman’s amusing February video. *** the latest Carnival of Satire. *** The latest Carnival of the Liberals. *** The latestCarnival of the Vanities. *** Why did the Bush family, via daugher Jenna, purchase over 98,000 acres of land in Paraguay? Scorpio has an interesting theory, and Skippy has another good theory. (Via Avedon Carol) *** The Carnival of SuccessTechnorati Tags: Rush Limbaugh, Michael J. Fox, Campaign Ads, Senate Campaign,  Stem Cell Research, Parkinson’s Disease, Talk Shows, Radio Humor, Disability, Election Advertising,  Election Humor Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

  2. Spinach Dip? Bilbo found it.. in Gollums kitchen….

  3. Jennifer M Jennifer M

    What a great collection! Good job putting it all together, man. That Seinfeld war entry is perfect. 🙂

    Jen M.

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