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The Carnival of Satire (#53)

carnival of satireThe dreaded turkey approaches. Yes, the election. Perhaps some satire will help you choke it down.

Jennifer Miner has some great advice on How to cook a Thanksgiving meal that ensures you’ll never be the host family again.

Suanne Warr from Tales from the Raven has spotted the Mathematician Conspiracy.

Mad Kane has a hilarious limerick about Wine Tasting Robots, Oh My! Be sure to read the anthropophagic poetry too.

You can find some equally amusing Ten Second TV Reviews here, deftly penned by Steve at the Poutine Diaries.

Miriam wonders about a Palestinian brain drain.

Cliff Notes presents Voting Machines.

Damian G. presents Kean denies gang ties, has yet to renounce “thugg life.”

And we’ll go out on another poem from Madeleine Begun Kane: He Misled Song Parody (Sing to the Mr. Ed theme song.)

Thanks to everyone for submitting their satire, and thanks to these fine folks for helping us with webby-stuff: the Blog Carnival for their form; and the listings at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.


  1. Great job, as always. Thanks for including me!

  2. Nice carnival–thanks for including me.

  3. […] And now some links, your reading pleasure: * The Worst Political Websites. * I like Avedon when she’s in a snit. * Don Davis’s Kerry: How Do You Ask Me To ‘Die’ For My Last Mistake? * OnGoodMove has the New York Times’ latest editorial, and it’s a great one. * Gary Trudeau Profile. (Via Alternative Hippopotamus) * No Bush profiteering op left behind. * Carnival Time: Carnival of Satire and Carnival of the Vanities. * I sure hope journalists everywhere read this column and heed its counsel. * Eric Schwartz sings his Clinton Got A Blowjob. Technorati Tags: Election Humor, Bush Humor, Bush Blunders, Richard Cheney, Dubya, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

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