This is an excellent Carnival of Satire, because it proves that even after a depraved election season (still ongoing for some of us) satire CAN be written about other subjects. We’ll start there:
Alosius Katz was good enough to find this excellent expose of Pet Porn. It’s catblogging taken to the next (satirical) level.
Ahistoricality found this illuminating article on Why Engineers Don’t Write Recipe Books.
Polliwog did a little time-traveling to find Spring forward, fall back. Also, check out Bobbarama’s “dictiovary” entry underneath.
Mad Kane is worrying about saving time also, and has a few ideas for contending with it.
Pernicious says Your Blog Bores Me, raising the obvious question . . .
Brian Tarcy has more football picks.
Bile, Snark, and Sneer presents Chicken TV.
The Dread Politics
TekTak F. Mechanoid is moderating the INTERGALACTIC ROUNDTABLE #2.4: Report from a Tasty Planet.
Damian G. has some late breaking political news: Missouri Senate race boils down to proper pronunciation of State’s name.
Vox Poplar presents 1 on 1 with Seymour Hersh.
Mad Kane has political parody with Bush and Cheney’s Blunderland).
Thanks to everyone for submitting their satire, misocrazy for the melting clock image, and to these fine folks for helping us with webby-stuff: the Blog Carnival for their form; and the listings at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.
Yet another fine job! Thanks for including me!
[…] And now some links, for your reading pleasure: * Dems Sing ‘Our House Is A Very, Very, Very Blue House’ * Carnival of Satire * Kicking Elephants and Taking Names * Carnival of the Vanities * Personal Growth CarnivalTechnorati Tags: Election Humor, Impeachment Humor, Cheney/Bush Humor Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]
Aloysius was kind enough to submit on my behalf–what a cat! Thanks for including me! Looks like I have some blogs to read!
Hey Mark!
Just a heads up. We moved from typepad to wordpress. The link for Bob’s blog entry in this carnival needs updated.
Spring forward, fall back! –
Thanks for your patience!