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The Carnival of Satire (#56)

The Carnival of Satire (#56)Happy Yanksgiving to everyone south of the (CAN-US) border. If we were giving thanks today, it would be for all this fine collection of satire:

Fans of House (the doctor show) and those bewildered by literary theory will both enjoy The Little Professor’s short teleplay: LP in the House. Thanks to Ahistoricality for suggesting this spoof, which may leave you a tremulous wisp with laughter.

Jake Danger is tired of being persecuted and has set up the Society for the Prevention of Mathematical Intolerance.

Mr. Juggles is interested to know How successful has Domino’s been in bringing pooplets to market?

Madeleine Begun Kane has contractual (and seasonal) parody with Office Party Follies.

Tra La La has learned all about the Titanic sequel, which you will have to see to believe:

Peace Moonbeam has the secret for success in Iraq with Bold Party, Bold Plan.

Degenerate.leftist has a saga for the ages in How I Defeated the Mice.

Big Picture Guy has more from the front lines of megalomania in Buying Power.

Bob Bobbarama is feeling sarcastic about Giving it up for peace.

Phil for Humanity is also sarcastic, but he’s got a note for Junk Mail Solicitors.

Brian Tarcy has NFL and ex-running back news at

Conservathink reports that Riots marred by release of PlayStation 3.

Bile, Snark, and Sneer presents Trying monogamy.

Michael John Bertrand has a solution for world hunger. [Warning: many will find this WAY more offensive than Swift’s modest proposal.]

And on a less controversial note, Madeleine Begun Kane has a Limerick For Bush’s Brain.

Thanks to everyone for submitting their satire, and thanks to these fine folks for helping us with webby-stuff: the Blog Carnival for their form; and the listings at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.


  1. Thank you Mark.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Mark

    Thanks for including my post in your latest Carnival of Satire. Very cool of you. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


  3. […] Some links, for your reading pleasure: * Carnival of Satire * New ‘Trial Balloons’ Crash At Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade * Carnival of the Insanities * Carnival of the Liberals * Carnival of the MundaneTechnorati Tags: Blog Carnivals, Blog Publicity, Linky Love, Self-Promotion, Weblog Publicity, Weblog Promotion Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

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