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The Carnival of Satire (#60)

The Carnival of Satire (#60) -- with pelicanHappy New Year, and welcome to the first edition of The Carnival of Satire for 2007. We start, appropriately, with a couple of New Year’s posts:

Jon Swift has new Predictions for 2007, including this gem: “In the season finale of Lost we discover that it was all a dream by Hurley who wakes up in Bob Newhart’s hotel.”

Mad Kane’s also has some New Year’s satire some legal boilerplate: It Is Hereby Resolved.

Ahistoricality has found A Modest Proposal on the Draft and Higher Education. has news about the Schottenheimer Effect in San Diego Chargers and Marty Prepare for Patented Playoff Meltdown.

Bile, Snark, and Sneer presents Where’s Mark Foley when you want him?

SimplyJews presents For your well-being: Allahrobics.

And to take us out on a flappy note, has an odd interview in Soaring into uncharted waters.

Thanks to everyone for submitting their satire, and thanks to these fine folks for helping us with webby-stuff: the Blog Carnival for their form; and the listings at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too. Thanks to Eliya for the pelican pic!

One Comment

  1. […] Some links, for your reading pleasure: * Carnival of Humor * Carnival of Satire * Forget Safire; Here’s The ‘Satire Office Pool’ * Carnival of Snark 23 * Best Of Me Symphony * Carnival of Health Technorati Tags: Blog Carnivals, Blog Publicity, Linky Love, Self-Promotion, Weblog Publicity, Weblog Promotion Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

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