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The Carnival of Satire (#63)

The Carnival of SatireWelcome to The Carnival of Satire at The Skwib. We have a fine selection of satire this week, ranging from social etiquette, to politics, to nose-picking. (Though some may argue those last two are the same thing.) We hope you enjoy all the gold-lassoed fun.

Birdman has advice for How to be The Most Annoying Moviegoer in the Theater.

Ahistoricality has discovered breaking news (in bold colors and delivered in speech bubbles): Wonder Woman Runs for President.

Madeleine Begun Kane has terse verse on the question of Jenna Bush, Author?

Craig Harper has a tale of spelunking gone bad in Please take your finger out of your nose. Spot the bonus irony in the top ten list at the end of Craig’s post. (It has to do with the number one faux pas, and the origins of the phrase, “faux pas.” This irony may not be immediately obvious if you haven’t ridden the Metro in Paris.)

Jake Danger at Lunatic Wisdom brings us futuristic psychological satire with Theistic Delusionary Disorder: Our Nation’s No. One Mental Health Problem.

Speaking of psychological satire, Jarod Kearney has a politically correct take on Sauron: Dark Lord of Mordor or Motivated “Go-Getter”?

Sean J. Vaughan helps bring us back to terra firm with this presentation at Reason and Rhyme: NASA Plans to Construct Earth Base.

Bile, Snark, and Sneer has more comic/politics with Take Al Franken. PLEASE.

mw at Divided We Stand United We Fall presents State of the Union – Comedy Tonight! (You’ll need to scroll down a bit to get to the satire.)

K T Cat at The Scratching Post has Open Thread Post Post Post Analysis Post.

To take us out on a supportive note, Michelle has this entry from While it doesn’t really qualify as satire, it sure is funny: Underwear That’s Fun to Wear.

Thanks to everyone for submitting their satire, and thanks to these fine folks for helping us with webby-stuff: the Blog Carnival for their form; and the listings at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.

One Comment

  1. Monday Miscellany

    In our Super Bowl induced mental fog, we have been remiss in acknowledging a fine selection of Blog Carnivals including:

    Carnival of Satire (#63) posted at Mark Rayner’s “explosive” weblog “The Skwib” and;

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