Welcome to our 74th edition. The Carnival is weekly or bi-weekly, depending on the submissions, and the blood sugar levels of our pixel monkeys. (Except when it’s not.) Please enjoy responsibly:
Chainik Hocker has an excellent plan for how to vote for the next US President in: Democracy is survival of the craziest.
Ever wonder what a religion based on Dr. Seuss would sound like? Plebian at Daily Dollop has: Seussanetics (aka Seussentology).
Enidd has an enjoyably mashup of the joys of flying & the four yorkshire men. Luxury.
We’re not sure how to do this without the proper equipment, but Hazel has news of a cat who changed its Legal Name to the Sound of a Can Opener.
Al Nye has news that we hope the diet industry never gets its hands on: Jail Inmate Lost 1/3 Body Weight — Now Force Fed.
Madeleine Begun Kane has poetry parody about Bush’s Iraq Strategy.
Big Cajun Man has more news about how the Canadian mint is trying to take over the world in Poppy Quarters ?
Damian G. has done some digging and now the Identity of She of the infamous, “That’s what she said” retort revealed!.
Vox Poplar has a few words from Tinky Winky On Jerry Falwell’s Passing.
Xran The Space Pirate presents The World Bank “Scandal”.
And to finish up on a head-exploding post, Shamelle presents Unintentionally Funny Movie Conversations. Now, is this satire because these conversations are clearly intentionally funny? Or is it satire because the conversations are unintentionally funny and they just seem to be intentionally funny … or … boom. Anyway, they’re funny.
Thanks to everyone for submitting their posts. If you submitted something, and it didn’t make it into the carnival, it’s not that we don’t appreciate your work, but we just felt it wasn’t right for the carnival. In fact many submissions were quite funny/interesting/entertaining, but not really satire. Defining that is a moving target, but you’ll find our take on it here, in an essay on Satire’s Ugly Sisters. Thanks to these fine folks for helping us with webby-stuff: the Blog Carnival for their form; and the listings at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.
[…] And now some links, for your reading pleasure: * Carnival of Satire * Carnival of the Insanities * Blog Carnival On Observations On Life * Carnival of Modern SageTechnorati Tags: TV Humor, Television Humor, American Idol, Blake and Melinda, Music Satire, Singing Humor, Singers, Vocals, Vocalists, Fox TV Humor Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]