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The Carnival of Satire (#76)

The Carnival of Satire #76The 76th edition is here, and was it worth the wait. There is all kinds of satire in this week’s carnival, some delicately understated and some as subtle as a ball peen hammer to the head. We hope you enjoy it all (or at least survive it.)

Joe is looking forward to that day that Wal-Mart does Colonosopies. You can almost hear the Greeters snapping on the latex gloves!

Gavin R. Putland has an edgy satire in the Corporate solution to rape.

Ahistoricality found this uber-satire about autism, tasty citrus drinks, and cat-stroking evil geniuses: The pharma conspiracy acts against a threat.

Speaking of conspiracies, Jeremy has word of a Potatoey Plot.

Cato explains the source of his hunting prowess: “Everything I know about killing I learned from Tony Soprano”.

Taking catblogging to a new level, Alosyius discovered this short (3 min) film: A Puurfect Love. It’s set in Paris, but for some reason the human actors are Scandinavian. (It stars Jixie Junie, who is a cat, not a starlet from the “horizontal entertainment industry”).

Red Jenny is worried about the coming White Woman’s Burden.

Plebian has parsed the Life Cycle of Junk Science.

Um, you may not want to read this one, if you’re squeamish. Joseph Qelqoth has a political review of Margaret Thatcher. We’re still not quite sure how she was cooked, but it sounds kind of icky.

Madeleine Begun Kane has a limerick we can all relate to: Captured By CAPTCHA and a song parody: GOP Piety (Sing to Billy Joel’s Honesty).

For those of you attending a reunion of any kind soon, Rickey Henderson has some recommendations.

Sammy Benoit is relieved to see the Palestinians Finally Support a Two State Solution.

Damian G. has a compilation: Following passing of Wyoming Senator, Democratic Underground commenters infuriated more Republicans not dead, terminally ill.

Robert Bruce Carter presents Hillary Announces “Single-Payer Everything” Plan

Only Three Notes thinks he is the Antichrist! No kidding!.

Let’s hope he doesn’t run into this dude with Papal Mojo.

Sam Lee has a clip of Steve Colbert, one of Time’s 100 Most Influential People.

Avant News presents Rogue Goose Foils Final Missile Shield Test.

Madame X has Bada-Bing Budgeting: 10 Reasons Personal Finance is Different for Mobsters.

And to take us out on an exceedingly positive note, Tim Abbott has a way to revitalize American democracy, to whit, a plan to let World of Warcraft players Pick the Prez: 6 Million Gamers Can’t be Wrong!.

Thanks to everyone for submitting their posts. If you submitted something, and it didn’t make it into the carnival, it’s not that we don’t appreciate your work, but we just felt it wasn’t right for the carnival. In fact many submissions were quite funny/interesting/entertaining, but not really satire. Defining that is a bit sujective, but you’ll find our take on it here, in an essay on Satire’s Ugly Sisters. Thanks to these fine folks for helping us with webby-stuff: the Blog Carnival for their form; and the listings at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.
Thanks to julianrod for the photo, shared under the CC licence.


  1. […] Even Sidier Note: Looks like it’s a good day for carnivals! The Potatoey Plot was featured in the Carnival of Satire. It’s a good one, filled with jokes I wish I had thought of… especially the rape-credits one… Does that make me a bad person? […]

  2. […] And now some links, for your reading pleasure: * Carnival of Satire * Carnival of the Insanities * Carnival of the Decline Of Democracy * Carnival of Principled Government Technorati Tags: Iraq War, September Status Report,  Tony Snow, President Bush,  Surge,  Iraq Improvement, General David Petraeus, Surge Assessment  Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

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