Welcome to the Carnival where snark is our art, and snide is our pride! This week has another fine collection of blogospheric satire:
Alejna writes a column of entertaining tips for American Hovel Magazine and this article on Preparing for Overnight Guests is quite useful.
Finally someone has come up with a Blogger Satisfaction Survey that reads like a Cosmo sex survey! Thank you Rich Minx.
Daniel Brenton has managed to get a transcript of The Mary Hart Interview with Jesus Christ. Somehow it was never aired.
On a related note, Damian G. has word that Paris Hilton found God; God relieved tests come back negative.
Yitzchak Goodman at Judeopundit takes us on a literary sidebar with the Gitmo Poetry Preview II.
Speaking of the Cheney Thing, the Rude Pundit has this list of six things the Office of the Vice President
We don’t think the Cheney Thing would make much of a Freegan Cato beatbox king.
Chris has been reading The Secret, and has run an Experiment with Intention-Manifestation Theory.
Madeleine Begun Kane’s bemusement comes through in her doggy doggerel: Yoga For What???.
Inspired by Judge Roy Pearson suing the pants off his drycleaner, Tim Abbott gets litigious in this posting about the Top Ten Lawsuits He’d Like to See
Charlie Close has some tumescent branding notions ED.
Joe presents a heated rant: Stop Global Cooling!
Or you could go for Wenchypoo’s solution. A wistful wish: If Only There Were Fewer People…
E.P. Wintergreen is filled with ennui at the news that Google Acquired France.
Brent Diggs was less anxious that Google Acquired Luxembourg.
DWSUWF presents GWB determined to honor campaign promise and unite the country.
Radworld presents The New Media Buddy Christ.
And to take us out on a mellow note, Sam Lee lights up a YouTube clip of Tommy Chong’s Appearance on the Colbert Report
Thanks to everyone for submitting their posts. If you submitted something, and it didn’t make it into the carnival, it’s not that we don’t appreciate your work, but we just felt it wasn’t right for the carnival. In fact many submissions were quite funny/interesting/entertaining, but not really satire. Defining that is a bit subjective, but you’ll find our take on it here, in an essay on Satire’s Ugly Sisters. Thanks to these fine folks for helping us with webby-stuff: the Blog Carnival for their form; and the listings at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.
Monday Miscellany – Carnivalingus
In the meantime, you should check out these recent fine collections of high quality blogging punditry:
* Mark Rayner presents the The Carnival of Satire #77 hosted at The Skwib.