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The Carnival of Satire (#78)

The Carnival of Satire #78We may be in the dog days of summer, but this edition of the Carnival of Satire is anything but a woofer. Though it might make you bark with laughter:

The Thuder Gott of Cyber Space (TM) notified us of this brilliant musical satire of “Tie a Yellow Ribbon” [This is a video, and you’ll have to grin and bear a bit of Barber Shop for 30 seconds before you get to the good stuff. But it’s worth the wait!]

Strap on your dosimeter! Jeremy has found Marie Curie’s Secret Diary. Yummy.

Madeleine Begun Kane has a Swiftian limerick: A Modest Dating Proposal For Anxious Guys.

Then again, the parents of all those anxious guys might have invested in Gay Insurance [also a video], via the Dirty Bitch Society

Jon Swift returns to the Carnival with his essay: David Vitter: Another Victim of Gay Marriage.

Rickey Reviews “Transformers”, and here’s a taste:

Rickey’s a big fan of Michael Bay’s work and make no mistake, this is his opus. What can we say? The man was born to make a movie about giant robots hitting each other.

Bobbarama has a satirical look at eating at Denny’s for a man who lives there: Steaking out my favorite booth.

Marc has made 7 Google Searches he wishes he could take back.

Mr. Besilly is clearly not buying into the hype: True Savior Puzzled by iPhone Worship.

Scott has some advice for those of you getting some higher education with Harry Potter’s Guide to the People You Meet in College.

The new PM definitely needs some help, and Sammy Benoit suggests Gordon Brown’s Approved Semantic Substitutes for the term War on Terror.

Damian G. presents Live Earth makes a difference; “dozens” of letters-to-the-editor written, fluorescent bulbs purchased..

And to give us all a serious reality check, E.P. Wintergreen has news of a Study: 97% of Blogs Completely Unreadable.

Thanks to everyone for continuing to make this a great carnival. If you submitted something, and it didn’t make it into the carnival, it’s not that we don’t appreciate your work, but we just felt it wasn’t right for the carnival. In fact many submissions were quite funny/interesting/entertaining, but not really satire. Defining that is a bit subjective, but you’ll find our take on it here, in an essay on Satire’s Ugly Sisters. Thanks to these fine folks for helping us with webby-stuff: the Blog Carnival for their form; and the listings at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too. Thanks to mw photos for the panting pic of Tonka!

One Comment

  1. […] Washington State University Link to Article transformers The Carnival of Satire (#78) » Posted at the skwib on Thursday, July 12, 2007 [ The Carnival of Satire #78]We may be in the dog days of summer, but this edition of the Carnival of Satire is anything but a woofer … . Rickey Reviews “Transformers”, and here’s a taste: Rickey’s a big fan of Michael Bay’s work View Entire Article » […]

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