Welcome to our regular roundup of satire on the blogosphere (or the part of it that submitted something, anyway). We have some great stuff this week, beginning (predictably, for you regulars) with a post that has the word “monkey” in it:
Ahistoricality found this gem, The Monkey’s Paw, at Bouphonia.
It’s the dawning of the Age of the iPhone, and just in time, alejna has a review of the iPhone: good features, but falls short of design expectations.
However, this modest technology solution to the fairness issue, provided by Divided We Stand United We Fall, looks like a winner!
Madeleine Begun Kane is always a little controversial, but this week she wants us to Pity The Poor Lawyer (Limerick).
From the modest proposal file, Gavin R. Putland suggests that Australian PM, John Howard should get a Nobel Prize in Economics.
Therapydoc tackles the thorny issues of magazines, children’s books, “mannies”, and waiting rooms.
Ruby has The Absolute Best Way to Start Feeling Depressed and Useless. This is great advice if you don’t feel like going on a 10-day bender, in which you end up pantsless in Tijuana.
Sathigher suggests that living in Canada may also cause depression, in his post on Shower Curtains.
Pointlessbanter has a new list of the Seven Wonders .
Scooter’s Report presents Dems Got Religion.
Gaston has an exclusive bit of news: Britney Spears Uses Designer Clothing In Place Of Kitty Litter posted at Catnabbit!.
And on the off-chance that you haven’t already heard enough about Harry Potter this week (our eardrums are still bleeding), Judith has an interview with Harry Potter and The Order of His Netflix Queue.
Thanks to everyone for continuing to make this a great carnival. If you submitted something, and it didn’t make it into the carnival, it’s not that we don’t appreciate your work, but we just felt it wasn’t right for the carnival. In fact many submissions were quite funny/interesting/entertaining, but not really satire. Defining that is a bit subjective, but you’ll find our take on it here, in an essay on Satire’s Ugly Sisters. Thanks to these fine folks for helping us with webby-stuff: the Blog Carnival for their form; and the listings at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.
[…] Zac Efron Link to Article britney spears The Carnival of Satire (#79) » Posted at the skwib on Thursday, July 26, 2007 [ The Carnival of Satire]Welcome to our regular roundup of satire on the blogosphere (or the part of it that submitted something, anyway) … Got Religion. Gaston has an exclusive bit of news: Britney Spears Uses Designer Clothing In Place View Entire Article » […]
[…] For those who came here looking for actual satire, we’re sorry if we disappointed you. Check out The Carnival of Satire for the latest satire of the week! […]
[…] In related news, the 79th Carnival of Satire is now available for your reading entertainment, and features my recent iPhone review. […]
[…] http://www.markarayner.com/blog/archived/960/ http://anjamerret.com/?page_id=230 […]