They called themselves the Disney Gang, despite the fact that two-fifths of their members were clearly aficionados of the Popeye milieu.
In fact, Chester “Popeye” Doyle was their leader; he did a crack impression of the pugnacious cartoon sailor, and liked to bludgeon enemies with a pillow case filled with cans of spinach. Barry “The Duck” Trepanning did an excellent impression too, though this made him completely incomprehensible during the high stress moments of their many bank jobs and shootouts. During the Mud Lick Massacre he did a classic Donald Duck freak out that had the cops in stitches, even while Detective Sergeant Reynolds bled out. Both of the mice were menacingly quiet, and police were never able to identify the bodies, so we don’t even know who they were.
And of course Reggie “The Wimps” Testeron, like their hero Walt, thought arson was hilarious.
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