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The Fridgularity wins IRDA award for best humor book

IRDA stcikerExciting news announced at Book Expo America (BEA): The Fridgularity won the Discovery Award (IRDA) for best humor, 2013.

Hugh Howey, bestselling indie author of WOOL and Amy Edelman, founder of IndieReader, announced the winners of the 2013  awards on Saturday, June 1.

The judges included publishers, editors, agents and reviewers from the publishing indusry. They based their decisions on “the quality of writing and the originality of the story,” according to the website.

You can check out all the winners (there are 20 categories in fiction) at the website.

On a personal note, thanks to Amy and everyone at for their support of the indie publishing community!

And you can check out’s original review of The Fridgularity here. Their verdict:  “If you’re looking for a combination of humor, romance and a power hungry refrigerator, look no further than The Fridgularity, a very enjoyable read.”

The FridgularityNow, what excuse could you possibly offer for not getting your own copy? You can get the paperback for $3 off, if you buy it direct from Monkeyjoy Press. Use coupon code: YGMVFZZY. Available in all formats in all the usual online places:

Paperback ($15.99) | Barnes & Noble | 

Ebooks ($4.95)
Kindle | Smashwords | Kobo | Nook | iTunes

Alltop wins a prize of its own for aggregating humor from the web.