The innevitable toaster uprising Published August 11, 2010 By Mark A. Rayner Ah, if only it would be so easy to fix! Alltop is feeling pluralistic about the Singularity. Cartoon by the talented (and acutely observant) Rob Cunningham, and used under a CC license. FacebookTweetPinLinkedIn Categories:But is it art? Parody & Satire Tags:cartoonrob cunninghamrobotssingularitysloppy codingtoaster uprising Previous Post Professor Quippy: Writers beware, those rejection notes have a cost Next Post Review: Valley of Day-Glo
Rob Cottingham I know, I know… you’d have to reroute power through the warp couplings and depolarize the plasma manifolds, too. But you’d still need to close that parenthesis. (Thanks for sharing the cartoon!)
I know, I know… you’d have to reroute power through the warp couplings and depolarize the plasma manifolds, too. But you’d still need to close that parenthesis.
(Thanks for sharing the cartoon!)
My pleasure — loved it! (And keep up the good work.)