A sentient and articulate goldfish presents “bad examples” –> Slide 2
- don’t approve of chaos
- suspicious of quantum box carried by cat
- Things One and Two are clearly some kind of demented homunculi.
Grumpy floppy-eared creature presents “Dodgy Breakfast Foods” –> Slide 12
Green eggs & ham:
- look freaky
- smell strange
- must be addictive (Sam-I-Am always seems waaay too excited about them)
- probably some kind of genetic mutation.
Max presents “what the hell is going on?” –> Slide 6
- Green Master seems angry about something
- Smells good from Whoville
- Wish we could go down there and eat stuff
- Hey! We’re going!
- The Green Master rocks, even when he ties crap to my head!
Anniversaries: Theodor Seuss Geisel born March 2, 1904, Cat in the Hat published 1957.