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The Lost PowerPoint Slides (Henri Bergson Edition)

Henri Bergson, wearing a silly hatTime and Free Will (circa 1889)
–>slide 99

  • human experience is a continuous flow
  • not events in succession, as physics would have it
  • time is experienced as duration
  • so it can seem longer than it is
  • like this lecture.

Laughter (circa 1901) –>slide 3

  • laughter is a corrective process that makes society possible
  • we laugh at people who do not adapt to needs of society
  • the comic always has something mechanical in something living
  • similar to this essay.

An Introduction to Metaphysics (circa 1903) –>slide 9

  • intuition not analysis reveals the real world
  • intuition transports you to the interior of an object and allows you to know what is inexpressible about it
  • such as, what is happening within the confines of my silly hat.
Alltop and both have an intuition that laughter is an infectious process. I was reminded of Henri Bergson while watching a documentary about Monty Python last week. Originally published in 2006.

One Comment

  1. […] Now I’m not sure this post really deserves to be here – it seems rather fun history to me, but it was nominated, so check out on Mark A Rayner’s The Skwib, the The Lost PowerPoint Slides (Henri Bergson Edition). And yes for the literal-minded, I have noticed there was no Powerpoint back then – lucky them! […]

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