Julius Caesar Presents: Won’t Be King (slide 5)
Don’t put that diadem around my shoulders
Only King in Rome is Jupiter
But you can call me King outside Italy
What, you got a problem with that?
Spurinna the Soothsayer presents “ooooooo” (slide 1)
Beware the Ides of March!
Cue the spooky music!
Caesar Presents “What, me worry?” (only slide)
Going to speak with the Senate at Pompey’s Theatre
You see, soothsayer Spurinna, the Ides of March have come
No problem.
Spurinna presents “you’re an idiot” (only slide)
It’s the Ides all day , you pillock.
Marcus Brutus presents “anti-king device” (slide 1)
Is this a stabby thing you can’t see behind you, Caesar of the Julia?
Marcus Brutus presents “anti-king device” (slide 2)
Nope, can’t see it now, ’cause it’s in your back.
Marcus Brutus presents “anti-king device” (slide 5)
And again.
Thus always to tyrants, even if they may be my father.
Et tu Alltop ? Shockingly, originally published in 2006!
“What, you got a problem with that?”
it’s an italian thing…you wouldn’t understand.
[…] You can find Brutus’s homicidal presentation in Lost PowerPoint Slides (among others) at: The Lost PowerPoint Slides (Ides of March Edition). Check out the original backstabber’s thoughts on Julius Caesar as king. […]