The Duke of Brunswick presents “Pilfering” –> slide 2 (circa 1792)
- Prussia doesn’t dig your “democracy”
- Release Louis XVI
- Reinstate him as your king
- Or we will “pilfer” Paris
Maximilien Robespierre presents “The Committee of Public Safety” –> slide 4 (circa 1793)
- With regret, Louis must die so the country can live
- People are good and magistrates corruptible
- You can’t have revolution without revolution
- (Later, they will call these “soundbites”.)
Charlotte Corday presents “I’m not crazy” –> slide 6 (circa 1793
- Jean-Paul Marat was a monster
- I killed one man to save 100,000
- Sure, Plutarch told me to stab him with a bread-knife, but I didn’t listen
- Only a crazy person would try a bread-knife.
Robespierre presents “The Terror” –> slide 1 (circa September 5, 1793)
- Enemies within our borders
- Dissent is counterrevolution
- Let me introduce you our solution, Madame Guillotine.
Madame Roland presents “Cooler, not Severed Heads” -> slide 2 (circa 1793)
- The Revolutionary Tribunal has ordered an excessive number of decapitations
- Including my own
- Oh Liberty, what crimes are committed in thy name!
Inspired by:
September 5, 1793 — The day the French National Convention voted to implement terror measures to enforce the principles of the French Revolution, starting the Reign of Terror.